

September 08, 2024

On Sundays I reflect.

I didn’t drink alcohol this week. That’s been an ongoing struggle but lately temptation has been low.

I did a lot of driving this week. It’s been great having side work and extra money coming in this year.

I’ve been making two piece pipes for fun and a bit of challenge lately. It’s outside of my typical process with glass, and getting me more comfortable working glass off the lathe by hand.

I’m proud of myself for taking this step but I’ve got a lot of practice ahead of me.

I got to spend time with friends this week. Oldgreed came up from Denver for a day to chat and plan for his show coming up in Denver next month.

Ian and Jasen wrapped up their summer on Flathead Lake in Montana and stopped by for a few nights. On their way to Montana, Bat Country Studios was in disarray and under construction. Finally they got to see our finished gallery and functional studio space. Ian has been visiting since almost the beginning of the studio days here in Minturn. After ten or so years of friendship we made our first pipe together. It cracked but still works, so we made another. It was sold before it was cold to a most serious collector and connoisseur.

It’s an indescribable experience to be able to create art with my closest friends at my dream studio in the mountains. It’s even more surreal that there are people who want to own our work and support our journeys.

I’m running late for the market so I’m once again limited with how much I can get out here.

As always thanks for tuning in,


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