Sunday (Monday) 12/22/24

Sunday (Monday) 12/22/24

December 23, 2024

On Sundays I reflect.

I didn’t drink alcohol this week.

Today is Monday and yesterday was a doozy. I’ve been driving clients from Denver up to Vail all week, living on the I70 corridor.

Cups have been selling every day. In these especially challenging times I want to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who has bought art from us this year. It’s hard to believe New Years is around the corner already.

We haven’t had much snow, but one night we got a few inches and the next morning they opened the back bowls at Vail. I spent that morning riding my favorite laps on the mountain, completing most of my route that some of you have joined me on.

Surfing powder on my snowboard is definitely my favorite activity. My brain turns off and all I can do is focus.

We’ve been reorganizing the studio and the dark room is ready for Alison to move in. I’m eager to have the dark room functioning again, and hoping to work on a series on black and white film photographs which I’ll develop and print with Alison’s help.

We hosted a group of managers from the Sheraton in Avon this week for a group class booked by their GM. Turns out he is a phish head with his own series of artified Uno cards. After the class he made me a custom Drinking Vessels card as a thoughtful gesture to express how nice the experience was for his team. This meant a lot to me and is something I’ll cherish in my art collection.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my art collection. There are more things I want but can’t afford, both financially and spatially. I’ve currently got piles of art everywhere. Slowly I’m finding places for things. Some of them I’m letting go of to friends and clients in order to make more space and get the pieces to homes where they can be shown and appreciated.

I’m listening to “Low Place Like Home” by Sneaker Pimps a lot after meeting the producer Liam recently.

There have been more synchronicities recently, or I’ve just been noticing them more. Maybe I’m just paying better attention to the world around me.

As I was falling asleep the other night I finally conceived a project that has been brewing inside me for a long time. I sent a friend a message who will be integral to the creation of this work, and hopefully he’ll be booking a flight to the mountains next month to help bring this baby to life. The only thing I’ll share about this one is that it’s not a glass project, currently. Hopefully we’ll have some of this new series available in 2025.

I haven’t made much time for the gym this week but I did get in a session or two. It’s that time of year where I hardly have time to eat and other things have fallen to the wayside. Thankfully my friend Lindsey is still helping me with meal prep and I couldn’t be more appreciative.

I think I’ll get to take a nap today. I sure do hope so.

Aside from work this next week I’ll be spending time for myself. As hard as I am on myself, I know I need to take time to refresh and the holidays are a great time for that while everyone else feels to be on pause.

Wishing you all a happy holiday season and a wonderful new year.

As always thanks for tuning in,


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