On Sundays I reflect.
I didn’t drink alcohol this week. That was no big deal.
I began the week in Seattle where I connected with Quave and Stormin’ Norman. Quave I had not previously met but I knew Norm from the 7 Point Studios days along with other industry events. It was great getting to connect in their personal studio over glass, cups and all kinds of other art. Kevin (Quave) played piano for me while I checked out the cup he made featuring circle tech from our friend Kyle (Kaja Glass) and we discussed the correlations between music and glass. I scooped a few of Norm’s cups that sold fast, but aside from that we hardly talked business. It was nice to just connect over art while Norm pulled some of the millies he will use for his upcoming projects.
I had a photo shoot day where I bounced around from Alki Beach to Capital Hill to a private home overlooking Mercer Island. I worked with a few models I got connected with and created some awesome lifestyle content that were currently working on editing. I’m not a professional photographer but I have taken some classes and it didn’t hurt that my dude Garret Porter loaned me his professional camera. I also got to spend a few nights with him and his girlfriend in Queen Anne at the end of the trip which was a nice break from the nonstop work. Stay tuned for Garrett’s needlepoint projects and the photos from my shoot!
And finally after a long three week trip I flew home to Colorado and slept in my own bed. What a feeling that was! By Friday, I was back on the torch and everything I made put a smile on my face. It felt so good to get back to it after this sabbatical, though the break was just what I needed.
I’m working on inventory of my clear scalloped cups along with a few collaborations with my shopmates. Rob (LogGlass) made some wig wags for the bottoms of a few, and J. Cost made a “Sam E. Face” to go inside a cup that pre-sold to our dude Pho who I got to see in Washington on my trip.
There’s snow on the ground and some of the ski resorts near me are already open. I am super excited to get back on the hill next time it snows.
Friday night we attended two art shows in Minturn. One was all high school students from the valley and was surprisingly impressive. We will be taking on more high school interns next semester and are looking forward to supporting the local community. There’s a lot happening locally in regards to the arts that I’ll share more about next week.
We have ten fumed pints coming from Jason Gordon and a dozen mugs from Ed Wolfe. The pair from Cowboy and Rone arrived yesterday and sold before the day was done. We uploaded Dux Glass fortune cookie goblets to the site, and have a photo shoot with Reda Tuesday to capture all the work from the trip.
I’m still catching up on sleep and getting back into my routine but it feels so good to be back home. The trip was incredible and now I feel reset and ready for Winter Crush Mode!
Thanks for tuning in,
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