Sunday 3/3/23

Sunday 3/3/23

March 04, 2024

On Sundays I reflect.

I drank alcohol this week on my trip to Crested Butte. I kept it under control and won’t be drinking again soon. It’s better when I don’t drink, and always a struggle for me.

I continue to fail at quitting smoking. My 34th birthday is March 17 which I have set as my new deadline. I’ve been struggling lately with a lot of changes in my life but I feel confident about this decision. I know it won’t be easy and I’ll probably need to take some time away from work.

It was my first time visiting Crested Butte this week. My friend celebrated his birthday here and I connected with some other friends in town. The riding was decent until the storm came and then it was legendary.

On the first day I sent it a little bit too hard and projected through the air with my feet and snowboard shooting through the air above my head. A catwalk came out of nowhere and then I shot off a lip into a face that I tumbled halfway down. It was scary, but I thought I could hit it again with anticipation of what was ahead the second time. Unfortunately, I fucked it up almost as badly the second time as the first. That night I thought I might be concussed but fortunately was ok and kept riding all week.

I’ve been listening to “In Spite Of Everything” by Henrik Schwarz and “The Gold Ra Ra Riot Remix” by Manchester Orchestra on repeat this week.

We are preparing for another studio expansion at Bat Country. As we take on the rest of the unit next door we will be building out a new gallery for the work and then turning the office into a pottery studio. I interviewed a handful of artists before my trip and will have a meeting with a few of them as soon as I get back to begin planning the timeline and the layout for the space.

The work I have ahead of me both personally and professionally is intimidating. Taking this time to be on my snowboard away from my bubble was necessary for me to get through what comes next.

I’m wrapping up my Boro year 33. I knew it would be a year of significance in my life as 33 is the coefficient of expansion for borosilicate glass, my muse. It’s been one of the most significant years of my life. I’ve made progress with my art and how I feel towards it, with our studio and team, in my personal relationships and in my relationship to substance addictions. I got a therapist this year. I fell in love.

It’s been a heavy year as well. I lost a friend who was struggling with her own addictions and challenges. It was so unexpected and sad.

After 3 years of supporting Drinking Vessels and me personally, my assistant Marta has moved on. I’m glad she was able to come by for our show last weekend, and I hope the best for her as she takes the next step in her life. I’m so grateful for the help she provided our community.

I wish I had the energy to share more here but it’s late and I have an early morning date with fresh powder here at Crested Butte before returning home to Vail.

As always thanks for tuning in to my journey.


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