Sunday 12/18/22

December 18, 2022

On Sundays I reflect. For the last few weeks I’ve been too busy to get my thoughts into a blog. Today I almost let it get away again but here I am. 
I’ve been drinking alcohol lately after years of abstinence. I’m much more mindful about my drinking than I was in a past life, but it would still be better if I didn’t drink at all. 
Socializing is the biggest challenge for me without booze. When I stopped drinking I also stopped going out for the most part. For a few years I did go out and also not drink. I don’t know if it ever didn’t feel weird. 
A lot of people know me as a person who doesn’t drink. Last night in the Vail Village a handful of friends made comments to me about the beer in my hand. I noticed other acquaintances across the room send inquisitive looks my way. It’s a small town and we all know each other, even if just loosely through other friends. 
For the last five or so years I’ve been “married to work”. I put most of the rest of my life on hold to build my business. It was worth it, but I don’t want my next five years to be a repeat of the last five. 
Recently I’ve been prioritizing snowboarding and trying to make an effort to “go out” and be more social. Typically you can find me at the house or my studio aside from the few errands I have to run such as the post office or grocery store. I’m working on finding the balance. 
I also think I can find a balance that does not include drinking alcohol, but it will continue to require a lot of effort. 
A lot of my other friends are struggling with alcoholism and addictions and it’s painful to watch. Being sober for as long as I was gave me a different perspective on my own addictions. I guess I’m somewhere in between sobriety these days. Fortunately it hasn’t gotten out of hand yet, and hopefully I can abstain again before it does.
I got to spend Thanksgiving with my family a few weeks ago. I started drinking that week when I got home. Am I the only one whose family stresses them out? I love my family and cherish my time with them, and I’m working on being more present there. I wasn’t on my phone as much, and I wasn’t smoking as much weed. 
Ram Dass said “if you think you are enlightened go and spend a week with your family”. 
Thankfully I get another shot at enlightenment. My folks are going to come visit me in Colorado soon. I’m looking forward to being present while they’re here. 
After Thanksgiving I went down to Miami for Art Week and Basel. I’m too far removed and too tired to provide a thoroughly detailed run down of the week so I’ll just leave you with some of the most important notes. 
I got to be with my friends, and even got to spend some time with my brother and his wife. I live in the middle of nowhere far away from my friends and family, so most of my time with them is spent on the phone. It’s a real privilege when I get to be with my loved ones. 
A special thanks to Kaito and the team at Glass2Grass for showing borosilicate art including a piece I made with my good friend Boots at SCOPE. The presentation was phenomenal, and they really elevated our scene in the public art world. 
I spent a few nights dancing until the sun came up with friends and strangers. I went on a double date with Joel and Meg at Dante’s HiFi bar. I took them all to my favorite spot to see one of our favorite DJ Charlie from Soul Clap at the Eagle Room. I remember the first time I ended up there a lifetime ago saying “I need to bring Joel here” and I did. 
We also threw a party on a yacht. Really a test run for next years Miami Cup Collectors Club. 
Last note on that: much less crypto and NFT shit this year than last year when it was the only thing coming out of anyone’s mouth. I saw some decent art this year. 
I’m listening to Medium Build. JCOST turned me on a few years ago. Serious vibes for sure. 
I’ve been blowing glass more lately. I’ve got a handful of exciting collaborations on deck plus getting ready for my next show. I feel like I’m getting into a decent flow. I need to make more time to blow glass. 
So that was a bunch of rambling and it feels like enough. Lots of uncovered business, but that leaves me something to write about next Sunday. 
Thanks for tuning in. I’m glad you’re part of my journey. 

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