Sunday 11/28/21

Sunday 11/28/21

November 28, 2021

On Sundays I reflect.

I didn’t drink alcohol this week.

Basically, this entire week is a blur to me leading up to Black Friday. I didn’t sleep much this week between balancing normal work and blowing glass and preparing for Black Friday. We got some snow and I considered getting up on the hill but ultimately prioritized work. I did get a few good naps in during the days, without which I might not have made it through the week.

And it was all worth it!

We had our biggest Black Friday sale EVER! Thank you so much for the incredible support!

6 years ago at Thanksgiving dinner my brother and I created Drinking Vessels during a conversation about giving back and how fortunate we are. Over the last six years we have both worked tirelessly to create what you see and support today. At the time of that dinner I was a step away from homeless. I couldn’t fathom at the time the kind of numbers my accountant shows me today. I couldn’t imagine sending money to as many artists as we do, when I could hardly feed myself back then. This company has certainly grown to an almost unrecognizable level from when I was carrying everything I owned in 2 bags and 1 tupperware around the country. 

I am so grateful for your support in bringing my vision to life.

I am beyond grateful to the team of people that keeps this company moving forward. Countless artists, photographers, painters, friends, customers, and assistants have put in their time and money to make this vision a reality and I never could have done it alone. 

Now I prepare for my annual trip to Miami for Miami Art Week and Basel. I’ll spend the week with my brother and his new wife Pri. I don’t leave the mountains very often these days, and my routine life can become monotonous sometimes. I love that but I also seek exploration and inspiration from different places. Every year Miami in December is like a reset for me, filled with art and interactions with some of the wildest characters I have ever met. This year there seem to be more exhibitions from “our scene” happening around the city in addition to the mainstream art world and I couldn’t be more excited. 

Obviously I got tickets for the Crew Love reunion, a party I have been attending since I first started going down when the Electric Pickle was still open. My favorite djs Soul Clap will be on the bill along with Wolf & Lamb and so many others. I’ve even wrangled my brother into staying past midnight (it starts around 11pm) hopefully. He usually doesn’t make it very late with me but this year I think he’s got it in him.

I will be running some holiday weekend Sunday Specials today at the studio and tomorrow we have a special Cyber Monday deal coming your way so stay tuned for that. Hopefully when I get back from Miami I return to a bunch of snow and epic snowboarding conditions but with the way this season is starting off I think it may be a few more weeks before we see that. 

Over the last few weeks I have been prepping up for a large body of work to release at some point. I have decided that I think I want to host that release on the GlassGrab app after our SALT drop was so successful so definitely reach out if you would be interested in purchasing from this body of my work. VIP tickets will sell fast again and there will only be a few pieces but I am hoping I can pull that off before the end of the year. 

Enjoy your Sunday and thanks for tuning in.


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