Sunday 10/6/24

Sunday 10/6/24

October 06, 2024

On Sundays I reflect.

I didn’t drink alcohol this week. I’ve been doing pretty good with abstinence lately.

I went to Denver on Friday for my dude OLDGREED’s show at the Purple Haze Gallery. Jeremy’s portrait paintings from horror films were incredible. He is one of the best portrait artists I’ve ever met.

Andy Warhol painted portraits to pay the bills, but we think of him more for his pop art.

I stopped by Ubatuba’s in Evergreen to see the progress he’s making for his show next month at the Purple Haze Gallery. This stuff is incredible and I’m glad to have seen the process taking form over the last year of visiting Alex.

Today is the last Vail Market. It’s been a hell of a Summer season.

I spent the week making pipes when I had time and energy to get on the torch. It was fun. My dude Colby came over and bought my favorite from the batch already; a spoon made with Dave’s Blue and my composition notebook prep. The rest are available but will probably be going to one of a few local head shops and dispensaries this week.

It was Rosh Hashana this week, the Jewish new year. I went to temple in Beaver Creek and got to see the Chihuly chandelier that was donated to the lobby of the Vilar Performing Arts Center. I’m glad I got to take the morning to look back on the last year. It’s been a hell of a year.

Ski season is around the corner and the leaves are falling. We got the best colors I’ve seen this year.

I was hoping to get out to Philadelphia this weekend for the third year of Parlay. Some artists created a series of community events and shows that I still haven’t been able to be at in person and once again it wasn’t in the cards. Parlay has got to be the pulse of our scene these days and it looks like the work is amazing and turnout is huge.

Sometimes the internet can feel like reality. The Vail Market has reminded me about what life is like out in the real world outside my studio and off my phone.

I’ve been popping into the cafe a few days a week and interacting with humans. There is talk about a block party happening in December and we have been invited to participate with Two Arrows, J Cotter Gallery, and other businesses in that row. This will be our first time blowing glass in the village in the winter, which should be interesting to say the least.

Before I run to town for the market the last thing I want to share is that we’re hosting a Halloween party at Bat Country Studios in a few weeks! Everybody is welcome and more details will be up soon for October 31 from 8-11PM.

I almost forgot. Our friend Buzz came by this week to do some glass fusing in one of our kilns. This is his second piece, inspired by Mondrian (one of my favorite artists) and the first time Buzz tried slumping to a form. His first attempt was flat and number two sunk into a perfect plate form with raised edges. The image is crisp. Now he’s working on number three which will be a Matisse inspired piece and we can’t wait to see it. We are lucky that Buzz found us and comes around when he does. He is truly one of the kindest and most interesting people I have ever gotten to meet. 

As always enjoy your Sunday,



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