Sunday 9/15/24

Sunday 9/15/24

September 15, 2024 1 Comment

On Sundays I reflect.

I had a glass of wine last night; 1961 Petrus to be specific. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to taste it, but it also felt good to stick with only one glass.

I’m listening to a playlist of Elliott Smith covers along with a hardcore band called La Dispute this week.

I think I first discovered Elliott Smith in that scene of The Royal Tenenbaums where Richie shaves in the mirror as Needle In The Hay plays.

I’m still not sure why but I absolutely love that movie. I always wanted to be a Tenenbaum.

I spent a night assisting Ubatuba this week in Evergreen at his studio where he hosted the Evergreen League of Women Artists. It was exciting to share our little subculture movement with these women who couldn’t have been more focused on the demonstrations and studio tour.

We also had a Studio Workshop Sampler at Bat Country Studios Friday night offering glass, clay, painting and film workshops for the community. We are thrilled with the turnout and looking forward to planning more in the future.

I drove a lot this week, leaving for Denver at 5 in the morning a few days. It made for an exhausting week but the pay is great and the clients are interesting, usually.

I spent some time with my friends Gina and Michael before they head back to Texas. Gina has been visiting my studio since basically it’s inception, and we celebrated the growth together by enjoying the space and team working so hard to keep things moving forward. She also bought one of my first two piece hammers which really made me feel good. Gina is one of the people who knows and understands my limited skills and how much this project is pushing me.

I’ve been spending a lot more time with our pottery team Heather and Ray. The girls are getting some impressive work made and I continue to be excited every time they unload the pottery kiln.

I have a few deadlines approaching. This week I’ll need to prioritize torch time. I’m working on a cup that my dude OLDGREED will carve up for his show at Purple Haze in Denver on October 4. I’m also working on a mug for JAG’s popup in Philadelphia during Parlay the same weekend.

I wanted to go to Philly for Parlay but I just don’t have it in me. It’s going to be an amazing weekend of art.

Back to the Tenenbaums, the soundtrack is only one of the standouts. Anderson’s intricate scenes and use of color give me a sense of comfort. The timing of the characters interactions is comically perfect. I’m still finding nuances after watching it hundreds of times. I haven’t seen it in months but thanks to Trevor our DVD/VCR is about to be working with the help of an RCA to HDMI cord.

My shop mates will know every word to that movie real soon.

Being in my 30’s has been weird. I turned 30 right around the time the world shut down in 2020. Now I’m 34 and realizing how long ago things were that happened during my life. Has it really been a decade since I lived in New York City?

Was it really 17 years ago that I left home on a road trip adventure from Chicago to California?

Time is tricky, but I guess I’m just going at my own pace anyways.

I’ve been writing this blog almost every Sunday for a pretty long time. The format has evolved, but this practice has been a significant part of my life. The other day I spent a little bit of time thinking about who reads this. I used to be in touch with some people who told me they read this weekly or most weeks. At this point if I’m being honest I have no idea how many people or who actually reads this. I usually write these blogs and post them and then rarely read them again. It’s just a way for me to get out whatever is on my mind at the time.

If you’re still tuned in, thanks for being here. I’m grateful to have a community and space to share these thoughts.

Now I’m off to the market. Enjoy your Sunday.








1 Response


September 22, 2024

I always read it. Who else out there in the electronic world reads and learns and enjoys these wonderful weekly words and insights and experiences?!

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